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joseph smith中文是什么意思

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  • 斯密约瑟
  • 约瑟夫史密斯


  • Why does the church now extol the witnesses when joseph smith condemned them
  • Why did joseph smith have to use a seer stone both before and after being called as a prophet
  • Similarly , why did joseph smith state that adam and the garden of eden were literally located in missouri
  • Church of jesus christ of latter - day saints is established by joseph smith , jr . at fayette , new york
  • Why does joseph smith have lehi make such a statement as 1 nephi 8 : 2 ? is he equating a dream to an actual , physical vision or visitation from god
  • Latter - day saints believe that in 1836 moses appeared to joseph smith , jr . at the kirtland temple in kirtland , ohio and gave him the keys for the gathering of the twelve tribes of israel
  • Latter - day saints believe that in 1836 an angelic elijah visited the founder of their church , joseph smith , jr . in the kirtland temple in kirtland , ohio and gave him the sacred power to seal families together
  • Passepartout was now the only person left in the car , and the elder , looking him full in the face , reminded him that , two years after the assassination of joseph smith , the inspired prophet , brigham young , his successor , left nauvoo for the banks of the great salt lake , where , in the midst of that fertile region , directly on the route of the emigrants who crossed utah on their way to california , the new colony , thanks to the polygamy practised by the mormons , had flourished beyond expectation
  • Then , emphasizing his words with his loud voice and frequent gestures , he related the history of the mormons from biblical times : how that , in israel , a mormon prophet of the tribe of joseph published the annals of the new religion , and bequeathed them to his son mormon ; how , many centuries later , a translation of this precious book , which was written in egyptian , as made by joseph smith , junior , a vermont farmer , who revealed himself as a mystical prophet in 1825 ; and how , in short , the celestial messenger appeared to him in an illuminated forest , and gave him the annals of the lord
    此外, ?氢新教年史传留给他儿子摩门后来又经过了很多世纪,这本珍贵的年史又如何经小约瑟史密斯之手从埃及文翻译出来。小约瑟史密斯是弗蒙特州的一个司税官, 1825年,人家才知道他是个神奇的先知,后来他又如何在一个金光四射的森林里遇见了天使,天使又如何把真主的年史交给了小约瑟史密斯。
  • But this did not disconcert the enthusiast , who proceeded with the story of joseph smith s bankruptcy in 1837 , and how his ruined creditors gave him a coat of tar and feathers ; his reappearance some years afterwards , more honourable and honoured than ever , at independence , missouri , the chief of a flourishing colony of three thousand disciples , and his pursuit thence by outraged gentiles , and retirement into the far west
用"joseph smith"造句  



Joseph Smith, Jr. (December 23, 1805 ? June 27, 1844) was an American religious leader and the founder of the Latter Day Saint movement, the predominant branch of which is Mormonism.
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